Six Pointers in Buying Good Christmas Gifts for Your Loved Ones

Christmas is fast approaching and your Christmas list is getting longer. Stores and shopping malls are getting swamped for shoppers looking for the perfect gifts for their loved ones. Below are pointers that will help you know how to spot good Christmas gifts that will in turn save you money and a lot of time for other activities during the holiday season.

  • Sit down and devote at least 20 to 30 minutes of your time to brainstorm and prepare a Christmas list. Planning at least a month before the holiday season will save you a lot of time and you will be able to work around your allotted budget. If you have items that need to be ordered and shipped, you still have ample time to wait for it to arrive. You can also get great deals and discounts if you don’t join other shoppers during last minute shopping on Christmas Eve.
  • Your list must include the people whom you want to give gifts like you may start from your immediate family, extended family, your in-laws, friends, colleagues, boss, business contact, clients, neighbors, nanny, postmen, and other people who have been making your life easier like the janitors, or maintenance staff.
  • Categorize your list. A list is for the people that you have to buy gifts for them, B list are people that you should probably buy gifts and C list if the budget can still accommodate, why not give them gifts.
  • Prepare gifts that are generic and unisex to serve as your “safety gifts”. These gifts are for unexpected guests during the holiday season who were thoughtful to visit and bring you gifts. You don’t want them to leave your house feeling bad and empty handed. These safety gifts might be in the form of gift baskets with small items, assorted goodies and stuff like chocolates, baked goods, wine or champagne, bath or body items or grocery items. Anyone will surely appreciate and love gift baskets. They will never notice that you were not able to prepare gifts for them.
  • Decide how much will you spend for your gifts. Keep in mind that it’s the thought that counts and the price tag doesn’t matter. It doesn’t mean that your gift is affordable, it’s ugly and low-end. You just have to look for the best deals to get quality items that you want to give. Always stay within your budget and don’t splurge too much just to please your receiver. When making a list, estimate the amount per items and if you are not sure, always round up. If you will order items that need to be shipped, consider the costs of the shipping fees and taxes. Total the estimated cost and review if it’s practical and realistic for your budget. If not, look where you want to cut down or change some items you listed.
  • If you consider yourself as an impulsive buyer, assign one credit card with a particular limit that you can just use.